PSYCH 4213



Fall,  2003

Instructor: William L. Hargett, Ph.D.

                    Office:  402 North Murray

                    Phone: Home (405) 691-2219  Cell: 826-7795

                    Office Hours: T-Th  7:30-8:50 am  


Prerequisites: PSYCH 1113


Course Objectives:  This course is designed to review interpersonal conflict studied from psychological perspectives.  Types & uses of conflict, and conditions for constructive dispute settlement will be presented.


Textbook:  Required Textbook:   Conflict Resolution For The Helping Professions

By Allan Edward Barsk.  Copyright 2000,         Wadsworth.

Course Outline and Activities: 

Readings:  Students will be required to read the entire textbook.  Other readings will be done in the form of journal reports throughout the semester

from professional journals related to the subjects being discussed in class.

Project:  A project be completed by each student.  The project consists of constructing a seminar using appropriate materials related to the topics discussed in this class.  It should give a description of the place the seminar would be given, a description of the people attending the seminar and 3 one hour sessions describing each session and including the materials to be used in each session.

Tests:  Tests will be given on a regular basis covering information from the textbook and lecture notes.  Some material will be presented in class that is not found in the textbook and not all of the textbook material will be discussed in class.  Tests will be announced one week in advance if the test date is changed from the dates attached to this syllabus.  Tests could be in the form of essay or objective type tests.  A comprehensive final exam will be given.  The final exam for the semester will be given at the final exam period (to be announced) and will cover the material from the previous test period to the end of the semester as well as all previously covered material. 

Grading Procedures:  Each test and the class project are worth 100 points  and will be averaged together to determine semester grades.  Letter grades will be earned according to the following grading scale:

  A = 90 to 100

                          B = 80 to 89

                          C = 70 to 79

                          D = 60 to 69

                          F = below 60

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Attendance:  Class participation is important for gaining all the material needed to do well on exams and to gain the most from the class.  Absenteeism will not automatically adversely effect your grades, however, the material missed by absences will bring about its own consequences.  Remember that students will be held responsible for all material presented in class including possible changes made in the syllabus during the semester.   This class will be taught in a lecture with discussion format, which means that your attendance and participation in class activities will be very important.  If you do not plan to attend class on a regular basis it is suggested that you drop the class and allow someone to attend who can benefit from the participation in the classroom activities throughout the semester.


Courtesy:  Courteous behavior is expected in this class as an atmosphere of mutual respect for each class participant is maintained.  Disruptive behavior cannot be tolerated and could result in a student being dismissed from the course and/or university disciplinary action being taken according to university policy.


Late Assignments and Missed Exams:  Assignments turned in late will be assessed a 10 point penalty for each day they are late.  Missed exams can only be made up with verifiable excuses such as doctors notes for illnesses, death of a family member (verification by Clergy or elder family member such as parents or grandparents) or if arrangements are made ahead of time.  Missed exams without following these guidelines will result in a “0” for the exam.  Make up exams will be arranged to be given at the test center on the first floor of N. Murray or in the instructor’s office during office hours and could be a different exam than the original given to the rest of the class.


Dishonesty:  Academic dishonesty, including cheating on exams, will result in a grade of F for the course and a report to university officials may be required (see the University Policy and Procedures Letters for specific information).  Papers you turn in must be your own work.  Plagiarism cannot be tolerated.


Drop Policy:  Refer to the policies and dates published in the university publication:      Class Schedule: Fall, 2003.


Extra Credit:  2% will be added to your semester average if you participate in a research project as a subject for one of the psychology department research projects during this semester.  Your participation must be verified by a note from the department by the last day of regular classes before final exams.


Conflict Resolution

Schedules of Classes & Material To Be Covered Each Day

Subject to Change

Fall, 2003


             DATE                                             MATERIAL TO BE COVERED


August  19                                              Orientation for the class.


August    21, 26, 28, Sept 2                 Chapter 1, lectures  & discussion of  

                                                                        reading assignments.


September 4                                        Exam No. 1  Chapter 1, lectures and

  collateral reading.


September  9, 11, 16, 18                            Chapter 2, lectures & discussion of

                                                                        reading assignments.


September 23                          Exam No. 2  Chapter 2, lectures and collateral reading.


September 25                   This day will be set aside for researching materials for your

                                           projects or doing collateral reading.


October 30                          Fall Break


October 2, 7, 9                            Chapter 3, lectures & discussion of

                                                                       reading assignments.               


October 14                             Exam No. 3  Chapter 3, lectures and Collateral reading.


October 16                      This day will be set aside for researching materials for your

                                       class projects or for collateral reading.


October 21, 23, 28, 30                       Chapter 4, lectures & discussion of

                                                                       reading assignments.


November 4                          Exam No. 4  Chapter 4, lectures & collateral reading.


November 6, 11, 13                                  Chapter 5, lectures & discussion of

                                                                      reading assignments.


November 18                        Exam No. 5  Chapter 5, lectures & collateral reading.

                                            Projects are due at the beginning of class today.


November 20, 25                         Chapter 6 & 7, lectures & discussion of

                                                                reading assignments.


November 27                  Thanksgiving Break


December 2, 4                           Continue Chapter 6 & 7 lectures & discussion of

                                                                        Reading assignments


Dec 8-12                           Final Exam    Chapters 6  & lectures & previous work