Oklahoma State University

Psychology 4183

Issues in Clinical Psychology

Fall Semester 2002


Meeting times:                                     MWF 10:30-11:20am

202 Agricultural Hall


Instructor:                                            Cynthia Hartung, Ph.D.

Office:                                                   405 North Murray

Office phone:                                        405-744-7495

E-mail:                                                   cmhart@okstate.edu

Office hours:                                        Mon & Fri 2:30-3:30pm


Teaching Assistant:                Allison Aosved

Office:                                                   309 North Murray

Office phone:                                        405-744-9062

E-mail:                                                   allisoncara@care2.com


Required Textbook:                Nietzel, M.T., Bernstein, D.A., & Milich, R. (1998). Introduction to Clinical Psychology, 5th Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall


Course Requirements: You are expected to attend lectures and complete reading assignments before class. There will be three exams each worth 100 points (3 x 100 = 300) and three research review papers each worth 25 points (3 x 25 =  75). Therefore, the course is worth a total of 375 points.


Grades: Final grades will be based on total points earned. The instructor reserves the right to curve up on an exam or paper but grades will not be curved down. The following scale will be used for calculating final letter grades:


A                90-100%                337-375 points

B                80-89%                   300-336 points

C                70-79%                   262-299 points

D                60-69%                   225-261 points

F                 <60%                          0-224 points


Course Objectives and Format: This course is designed to provide an overview of the field of clinical psychology including history, assessment methods, theoretical approaches, intervention modes, empirical research, subspecialty areas, and ethical issues. This class will consist of lectures, class discussions, clinical videotapes, and occasional guest lectures. Students are expected to read the assigned material prior to the lecture on that material. In addition, students are expected to participate in class discussions for their own benefit and that of their classmates. Videotapes will be shown to provide as many real life examples as possible.


Policy on Absences: You are expected to attend class on a regular basis. Students who attend class regularly tend to earn higher grades than those who attend sporadically. If you attend class on a regular basis, participate in class discussions and behave in an appropriate manner in class you will be given the benefit of the doubt if your grade falls near the cutoff for a higher grade.


Drop Policy:

08-26-02 Last day to drop a course with no grade recorded on transcript

11-08-02 Last day to drop a course with a “W” on transcript

11-27-02 Last day to withdraw from all courses with a “W” or “F”


Special Accommodations: Any student requiring special accommodations should contact Dr. Hartung as early as possible in the semester. I am very willing to work with you and the Office of Student Disability Services, 326 Student Union, to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in this class.


Academic Dishonesty: Any instance of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of “F” on the test or paper for all parties involved, and may include a grade of “F” for the final grade as well. This includes cheating on exams, plagiarism on papers, and other acts as described in the University publications.


Exams: Exams will consist of multiple choice and short answer questions. Exam I will be administered during class on September 23rd. Exam II will be administered during class on October 28th. The non-cumulative Exam III will be administered during the final exam period on December 9th from 10:00-11:50am. If you miss an exam due to illness, or other university excused absence, you must leave a message for Dr. Hartung prior to the start of the exam. You will be required to provide documentation for your absence (e.g., doctor’s excuse, obituary, receipt for towing, etc.) Make-up exams must be scheduled within 48 hours of the original exam and may differ in content and format. Failure to follow these procedures will result in a grade of “0” for the exam.


***You will need to purchase orange NCS answer sheets at the Student Union Bookstore for use during the exams. The cost is approximately 5 sheets for $.95. You must also bring a #2 pencil to each exam.


Papers: Students will write three research review papers in an effort (1) to provide exposure to the scientific aspects of clinical psychology, (2) to provide an opportunity to pursue more detailed investigation of a particular aspect of clinical psychology, and (3) to enhance ability to critically evaluate clinical research. You will summarize and critique an article from a clinical psychology journal. The study must be experimental and from a peer-reviewed journal. Studies with clinical samples are ideal. Below are some examples of acceptable journals:


1.        Behavior Therapy

2.        Health Psychology

3.        Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology

4.        Journal of Abnormal Psychology

5.        Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

6.        Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

7.        Journal of Pediatric Psychology

8.        Journal of the American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

9.        Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

10.     Psychological Assessment


If you would like to use a journal that is not on this list check with the instructor for approval. A copy of the article must be included with your review paper. Only articles published in the last five years will be accepted. Papers must be 1 to 2 pages and must be typed in 12-point font and double-spaced with 1” margins on all sides. The first review paper will be due in class on September 4th. Late papers will be accepted for two weeks after the due date with a 5% penalty per day late. Thus, a student who turns in a paper four days late will receive a 20% penalty which means that a “B” (80%) will be awarded for a perfect paper. The second review paper will be due in class on October 9th. The last review paper will be due in class on November 18th. Below is an outline for the research review papers:


               I.      Reference the article according to APA style

             II.      Summarize article using your own words (½ page to 1 page)

           III.      Describe strengths of the study (1 paragraph to ½ page)

           IV.      Describe weaknesses of the study (1 paragraph to ½ page)

             V.      Describe clinical implications of the study (1 paragraph to ½ page)


Extra Credit: You will have the opportunity to earn 3 extra credit points toward your final grade. First, you may earn extra credit by participating in a research project conducted in the Psychology Department. The number of hours that you can earn as a participant in a research project varies depending on the nature of the study. Research hours will be recorded when the research coordinator provides verification of your participation to the instructor. Second, you may earn extra credit by attending a departmental colloquium or other instructor-approved colloquia on-campus. You will earn 1 point for every hour of research, attendance at a colloquium or research summary. Finally, you can earn extra credit by writing additional research review papers. Research review papers for extra credit must be turned in by November 27th in class. Each additional research review paper will be worth 1 point.



Class content

Reading assignment

Review papers


Introduction to course

No reading



History of clinical psychology

Chapter 1



History of clinical psychology

Chapter 1



Theoretical approaches

Chapter 2                   



Theoretical approaches

Chapter 2                   



Theoretical approaches

Chapter 2                   



Labor day

No class



Getting into graduate school


**1st review paper due**


Guest lecturer – Dr. Maureen Sullivan




Clinical assessment

Chapter 3



Clinical assessment

Chapter 3                               



Clinical interviewing

Chapter 4



Clinical interviewing

Chapter 4



Clinical interviewing

Chapter 4



Review Session

Chapters 1-4



Exam I

Chapters 1-4



Exams returned

No reading



Guest lecturer – Jill Van Pelt




Psychological testing

Chapter 5



Psychological testing

Chapter 5



Clinical observation

Chapter 6



Fall break – NO CLASS

No reading



Clinical observation

Chapter 6

**2nd review paper due**


Clinical interventions

Chapter 7                              



Clinical interventions

Chapter 7                              



Methods of psychotherapy

Chapter 8



Methods of psychotherapy

Chapter 8



Psychotherapy research

Chapter 9



Psychotherapy research

Chapter 9



Review session – Alison Aosved

Chapters 5-9



Exam II

Chapters 5-9



Exams returned

No reading



Clinical child psychology

Chapter 10



Clinical child psychology

Chapter 10



Clinical child psychology

Chapter 10



Guest lecturer - Dr. Doug Scambler




General or adult psychology




General or adult psychology




Health psychology

Chapter 11



Health psychology

Chapter 11

**3rd review paper due**



Chapter 12




Chapter 12



Forensic psychology

Chapter 13



Forensic psychology

Chapter 13



Thanksgiving Break – NO CLASS

No reading



Professional issues

Chapter 14



Professional issues

Chapter 14



Review Session

Chapters 10-14



Exam III

Chapters 10-14


*Dr. Hartung will not be available for office hours on these days.