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result->mime) ? 'mime-' . $this->result->mime : null; $show_description = $this->params->get('show_description', 1); if ($show_description) { // Calculate number of characters to display around the result $term_length = JString::strlen($this->query->input); $desc_length = $this->params->get('description_length', 255); $pad_length = $term_length < $desc_length ? floor(($desc_length - $term_length) / 2) : 0; // Find the position of the search term $pos = JString::strpos(JString::strtolower($this->result->description), JString::strtolower($this->query->input)); // Find a potential start point $start = ($pos && $pos > $pad_length) ? $pos - $pad_length : 0; // Find a space between $start and $pos, start right after it. $space = JString::strpos($this->result->description, ' ', $start > 0 ? $start - 1 : 0); $start = ($space && $space < $pos) ? $space + 1 : $start; $description = JHtml::_('string.truncate', JString::substr($this->result->description, $start), $desc_length, true); } $route = $this->result->route; // Get the route with highlighting information. if (!empty($this->query->highlight) && empty($this->result->mime) && $this->params->get('highlight_terms', 1) && JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'highlight')) { $route .= '&highlight=' . base64_encode(json_encode($this->query->highlight)); } $params = json_decode($this->result->params); ?>
  • result->title; ?>

    te_company) && !empty($params->te_company)) : ?> te_company; ?>
    te_department) && !empty($params->te_department)) : ?> te_department; ?>
    result->position; ?>
    result->image) && !empty($this->result->image)) : ?>

    result->image, $this->result->title, array('title' => $this->result->title)); ?>

    te_summary) && !empty($params->te_summary)) : ?> te_summary; ?>

    params->get('show_url', 1)) : ?>
    baseUrl, JRoute::_($this->result->route); ?>