Taxonomy Program

Taxonomy Program


Create a file on your computer titled "Taxonomy."

Click on Install.bat and then the Tax.exe symbol to download the program to your computer.

When your browser says that "you have started to download a file of an unknown type" choose the "Save File" option to save the files on your computer into the Taxonomy file.

Find the Install.exe on your computer, and double-click on it. It will install the program. Once installed, you can remove the Install.exe and Disk1.bdn files from your computer.

Directions for loading and running the taxonomy program:

1. Click on Start (the lower left hand of screen)

2. Click on Run

3. Enter c:/taxonomy/install.bat

4. Once install is finished, close the MS DOS Window

5. Go to Windows Explorer (2 ways: right click on Start or click on Start, Programs,

Accessories, then find Explorer)

6. Scroll down C:\ until you find Taxonomy and double-click on the Taxonomy icon.

7. You should see three files in the Taxonomy directory.

8. To run the program click on the file, "the best app", and drag it right on top of

"runa3w.exe". That should do it.