
Donate to the Psychology

Make your gift count by designating it for the area of greatest interest to you. Or, consider leaving your gift unrestricted. With either choice, you can be sure that 100 percent of your gift will provide important support for the Psychology Department. Your contribution, no matter how small ($25, $50, $100) makes a difference.

Psychology Excellence Fund: Provide funding to assist with the greatest area of need in the department. Examples could be seminar programs to enable visits by leading scholars to the Psychology Department, research supplies, journals, faculty travel to conferences, direct tuition assistance to deserving students, etc.
Psychology Diversified Students Program: Provide funding to assist graduate and undergraduate students in areas of need. Examples: tutoring, books, gathering activities, tuition, travel, etc.

Research/Travel Scholarship for Graduate Students: Provide graduate students with funds to assist in research and traveling to conferences to present their research.

Research/Travel Scholarship for Undergraduate Students: Provide undergraduate students with funds to assist in conducting research and traveling to conferences to present their research.