a.k.a. Group A

The Flamin' Turnips
Da Bad-at-dolla-dolla Bees
Supa Sexy D's


Top Ten Reasons why the Other Groups "Deeply Inhale" and We Don't

  1. We stole the idea of this list from the Bees even though it was reserved

  2. Because we have tour-guide Bob

  3. Mani gallops because she can't skip

  4. Bobby never gets excited and when he does he tries to hide it

  5. Mallory can't walk

  6. Brittany has 26 houses in her town

  7. Bobby got rejected in the cave

  8. At the cross-dressing pageant, Bobby was the only one with almost hairless legs

  9. Because Mani started the whole "What up with that yo?"

  10. "Holla!"

Please click on our names to go to our personal website!

bullet Nick Behl
bullet Bobby McCue
bullet Mani Javvaji
bullet Brittany Schwahn
bullet Mallory Pace

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