2003 Summer Science Academy

Please be aware that funding for this type of summer academy has been severely reduced in Oklahoma.

If you would like for future students to have the opportunity to attend academies like this one,

please write your Senators and Representatives and let them know! Every voice counts!

The Flamin' Turnips
Da Bad-at-dolla-dolla Bees
Supa Sexy D's


Welcome to the main website for the 2003 Summer Science Academy: Exploring Quantitative Analysis (a.k.a. Stats Camp).  This camp ran for the first two weeks of June on the Stillwater campus of Oklahoma State University.  There were 21 students in four different groups at this year's camp.  Please click on the links to the right to view the pages for each group.  And in case you weren't a camp member, the groups are Group A (The Flamin' Turnips), Group B (Da Bad-at-dolla-dolla Bees), Group C (C*Unit), and Group D (Supa Sexy D's).

Camp Counselors

Special thanks to:

These people were on the frontlines with the students everyday, putting tons of blood, sweat, and tears into the camp to make sure it ran well.

bullet Jill Van Pelt (evening counselor)
bullet Angel Belden (evening counselor)
bullet Melissa Boczar (day counselor)
bullet Alison Babizke (day counselor)
bullet Caleb Lack (web design teacher)
bulletJohn & Sara (student counselors)
All the professors and professionals who donated their time and effort to help run this camp, including:
bullet Dr. Melanie Page
bullet Dr. Charles Abramson
bullet Tiffany Weston
bullet Dr. Susan Weir
bullet Missy Wikle
bullet Dr. Cindy Reese
bullet Lynn Michulak
bullet Jen Sweet
bullet Dr. John Chaney

For even more great pictures from the academy, please click here!

Home | The Flamin' Turnips | Da Bad-at-dolla-dolla Bees | C*UNIT | Supa Sexy D's